Your site visitors will be directly linked with the number one social network in the world and be able to LIKE YOU IMMEDIATELY straight through your website!
The Facebook Like Button social plugin lets people quickly share content on Facebook. Clicking a Like button on a site creates a connection between the content and the person who clicks the button by displaying a story on that person's timeline and their friends' news feeds. This story will link back to the site. For most site owners, the Like button will help you connect with your customers and keep your company in front of them. Obtaining just 1-5 new customers over a period of a year will yield a high ROI.
The Facebook Send Button lets users easily send content to their friends. People will have the option to send your URL in a message to their Facebook friends, to the group wall of one of their Facebook groups, or as an email to any email address. While the Like button lets users share content with all of their friends publicly, the Send button lets them send a direct message privately to the friends of their choice.
Notes and Configuration Choices:
-> Button shown on home page only
-> Display the Like button with your choice of the word LIKE or RECOMMEND
-> Display with or without the Share Button
-> Optionally show faces of visitor's friends who Like your page (standard layout only)
-> Display Like button with count of how many people like your page (above button with box count layout or to the right of button with button count layout)
Like Button Only:
Like Button with Box Count:
Like Button with Button Count:
Like Button Standard:
Like Button Standard with Friends Faces: